What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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Okay, "The Pacific" better go straight to special-edition-directors-cut-boxed-set, like, next frikkin week! Its killin me to hear y'all talk about this!!!!!
Is The Pacific good? as in, is it as good as Band of Brothers?

So far (For me) it's a great miniseries.

Rewatched Part Nine, a very intense and sobering episode. What disturbed me was the civilians on Okinawa being caught in the middle of the battle.

Just got Part Ten and so far I didn't watch since I want to watch it later, so I just got to where Leckie is reading the comics in the hospital!

Ahh, yes...a classic flick, with a classic moral dilemma...if given the opportunity to stop the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor...do you take it? Or let it happen, knowing what will transpire, including the eventual outcome of the war? Hmmm...

BTW, currently in the midst of watching "Katyn", a Polish movie about the Katyn massacre. Had to pause last night to get sleep, and get some housework done this morning.

I really liked the flying sequences in The Final Countdown with the F-14.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gChU-mGeBaM
Getting this footage almost ended up in a crash of one of the F-14's.

My most recent:
A Man Called Horse (1970)


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