What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Just finished watching The Spirit.
Being an old Eisner fan, I wondered whether the movie was worth the 25 DKK I Spent on it - it was alright.
Oh alright, admitted - the handsome young man with the gorgeous athlete's body did a lot to make the movie more...interesting...to watch.
Watched both Beowulf and The Red Baron over the weekend. Beowulf was OK, but had to rewind several time to catch what was being said as it was sometimes very hard to understand what the charactors were saying.

Did not care that much for The Red Baron. I'll try not to give anything away for those that have not watched the film, but the "supposed romantic connection" beween Von Richtofen and his Nurse was overdone IMHO. And the Roy Brown scenes put it over the edge for me. Would have rather seen the movie start out with Von Richtofen under the wing of his mentor, Oswald Boelcke and rising to the leader he ended up being.
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The Final Countdown is a good movie, the views, characters and storyline are good and it has an nostalgic/atmospheric feel to it, even the music's good.


I just watched Midway (1976 movie) which I haven't seen since I was a kid some years ago. It was quite good, and a fair attempt was made at some level of authenticity in many scenes, although the mix of live filming, war footage, models and combinations of live and footage was quite randomly mixed and a little be-wildering (one second you're looking at a model of 'Akagi', then it turns into a 1960s US carrier, the next second its some crackly footage of a fleet off Okinawa, etc).

There was generally an atempt to use roughly the right types of period aircraft and war time ships, but you really have to try to blank out the errors and inacuracies to enjoy the film. But a good effort for it's era (compared to some, eg using post war US Patton tanks as German tanks in 'The battle of the Bulge' movie: terrible).

Even recent films which are generally much more accurate have massive gaffs, the worst is modern looking 'Spruance' class destroyers (built in the 1980s) prominantly featuring in the recent Pearl Harbour film, which is a terrible mistake considering they boasted about the amount of money spent on the CGI elements to create a realistic and accurate film. It'd be like having a 1980s Chevy Caprice in an Al Capone type movie.
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