What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (3 Viewers)

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Agreed. I love the poster that says "Twilight: The story of one girl's painful choice between necrophilia and bestiality"
Just saw 'Tora Tora Tora' (for the first time), a good film, well made, and good blend of models which looked reasonably convincing, real wartime ships and aircraft. I think it was made at a similar time to 'Midway', but I think this one was a rather better effort.

"Midway" was made about six years after "Tora Tora Tora". Many of the scenes were taken out of "Tora" and used in "Midway".

You're right, "Tora" was a far better effort.

Just watched "Avatar" for the first time. "Dances With Wolves" meets "Lord of the Rings" with some Roger Dean thrown in. Not bad, exciting, cgi graphics are getting better. Did anyone catch the bits and pieces of James Cameron's first successful movie "Terminator" mixed in among the soundtrack? (the horns and bells).

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