What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant. Lots of big name actors in this one (Willem DaFoe? Dang...haven't seen him in a while!). Okay, so that's the good thing I could find to say about the movie.

:sighs, shakes head in defeat: The things I go through for my wife...
Yeah...the parts that took place in the "Society" were....interesting. Still, it was better than the other two I watched, "Red Baron" and "Vampire's Assistant".
I'm now watching through the hood genre movies.

Boyz N The Hood (1991)
La Haine (1995)
New Jersey Drive (1995)
Menace II Society (1993)

I must say all of them are evry very interesting. Maybe Boyz N The Hood was a lil' too much romantic and someplaces it was way to slow-paced. La Haine was very good, as well as New Jersey Drive.

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