What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Kewl. Glad to know I wasn't the only one who walked away from that one disappointed. "Book of Eli" is a MUCH better post-apocalyptic movie.
Kewl. Glad to know I wasn't the only one who walked away from that one disappointed. "Book of Eli" is a MUCH better post-apocalyptic movie.

I've been wanting to see "Eli..."

Local TV has been pretty good around here...

Yesterday watched "The Pledge". Directed by Sean Penn (who I can't stand) and starring - get this:
Jack Nicholson
Sam Sheppard
Mickey Rourke
Harry Dean Stanton
Benicio del Toro
Helen Mirren
Robin Wright
Vanessa Redgrave

The Pledge (2001)

Pretty good movie and I was surprised by Penn's camera work.

Then last night there was a movie that I was kinda interested in because of the Directors - the Coen brothers. D@mn! why haven't I watched this before!!!!

No Country for Old Men (2007)

"Fargo" goes to New Mexico!!!!
Stumbled across "Never so Few" with Fank Sinatra, Chales Bronson, Steve McQueen and Peter Lawford last night. It was about the SOS in Burma in WW2.
I have to admit, I thought the movie was prettygood. I was in a bad mood after having worked on the canopy of my B-10 all day so it helped to relax me. Tommy Lee Jones did a great job, but the guy that played the psycho-path was excellent!

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBeONkw7lRs

Been watching my set of Twilight discs. Funny how many I do remember..... or Not so funny. My one brain cell is still hooked up!!

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