What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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After a conversation here on the board I went out and got a copy of The Battle of Britain. Great movie but my copy didn't have the subtitles for the German speaking parts. Other then that I liked it a lot.
Saw the last half of Windtalkers last night. Raised a couple questions.

1. For those that have seen the whole movie was the first half as bad as the last half?

2. Did Japanese soldiers truly just tip over and die after getting hit by one bullet in thier side somewhere, or stabbed in the leg with a large knife, while American soldiers could sustain multiple gunshot wounds and beatings? Mr. Hero sure could shoot that .45 and hit his mark at long ranges with every shot too.
Of course! And every landmine/grenade/mortar/arty-round that went off would cause men to throw up their arms and sorta just fold over. The whole "arms and legs flying blood everywhere" is just a Hollywood myth. :rolleyes:

If you turn your brain off for a few hours, its mildly entertaining. Questions are raised all during the movie, though. My first was why did a medical officer, who's supposed to be fairly intelligent, not wonder why a guy who couldn't hear an 88 go off three feet away last week can suddenly hear a pin drop three miles away? He never suspected the nurse standing oh-so-innocently just behind his right shoulder (only coincidence that she could see him push the button)? :rolleyes:
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time A Japanese sci-fi animated film and it was pretty awesome. The plot was really good, but the artwork was excellent.

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