What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (5 Viewers)

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Both the Iwo Jima films are on DVD tomorrow so gotta rent those Eastwood classics.

Can a grown man watch Transformers? The last film I watched was Shrek 3 and it was a very poor show.

I saw Transformers. If you're expecting the cartoon from way back - you'll be disappointed. There's only about 4 or 5 from each side, and they do not resemble their cartoon likenesses.

Bumblebee is a damn Camaro - is there a worldwide shortage of old bugs? There was a bug right next to the camaro in the scene where Bumblebee first appears.

I don't think a single Deceptacon was what they actually were in the cartoon either...
The Dirty Dozen - great film. Suprisingly, the DVD also included the Sequel as a special feature. The less said about that one the better, although I loved the way the Germans would randomly switch between speaking German and English with a German accent. Although the best bit was the was they landed a C47 in Luftwaffe marking in the middle of a busy German airstrip, and nobody bats an eyelid!
You're not going to believe this, but I havn't been in a movie theater in over
50 years !! The last movie I saw in a theater was "2001 - A Space Odyssey"

Miloš Forman - Lásky jedné plavovlásky (Loves Of A Blonde) (1965) - 1966 Oscar nomination
Wasn't that crap awful. "Born, bred, water fed..." set the tone right off the bat. :rolleyes:
As a professional chopper pilot, can you explain the odd ending to that movie? Costner and the chump, hanging by the recovery wire which is fraying and snapping..but the chopper pilot maintains a "deadly" altitude. Hollywood.
As a professional chopper pilot, can you explain the odd ending to that movie? Costner and the chump, hanging by the recovery wire which is fraying and snapping..but the chopper pilot maintains a "deadly" altitude. Hollywood.

To tell you the truth - I don't even remember the end of that movie. Sorry! I think I stopped paying attention about halfway through :D

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