What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Has anyone seen Rob Zombie´s "Halloween"? I am into his music but have not seen any of the movies he has produced.

Any comments?
I have seen all his movies, Udet, and recommend every single one to any horror fan. House of 1000 Corpses, Devils Rejects and Halloween [Rob Zombie remake] are all brilliant.

Yes, your opinion matches with several others i have heard in recent months. As i said, i´ve yet to see Zombie´s talents as movie producer. I enjoy his music i can say...

I was told, by the way, that little Michael´s first murder scene was pretty disturbing? That he somehow ambushed one of those bullies from his school, beating him to death with some piece of log.

I want to see that Halloween!

For those who like me have not seen it, here´s the trailer:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtR9Fxz2lng

You´ve got to admit these people are REAL GOOD at making trailers arent they...(check the closing part: the scene, the sound, the scream...)

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