What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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What, you Aussies only have one copy of a movie and pass it around? Don't you have Blockbuster or something? :lol:

Watched "Lifeboat" by Hitch. Christmas gift. My collection is almost complete.
Live Free or Die Hard (Unrated)

I love Bruce Willis, but this was just silly. And the unrated meant every other sentence had the eff word. While entertaining, I quite watching halfway thru.
The wife and I watched about a little over half of a 2hr49min piece of crap called "Pirates of the Caribbean at Worlds End" before declaring mutual boredom and pulling the plug on it.

What a piece of clap-trap. I wonder if Johnny Depp runs around flapping his arms and swishing like that at the A-list parties. What kind of message is that to kids, that a life as a gay Pirate who never visits the dentist is being cool!!! Sorry for the rant but Disney is trying to make me ill. :badairday:
Tdave, I agree. Watched the first one and it was ok but the others stunk!

TO, just watched "Sands" and the extra about how the movie was made. Didn't know they used the actual flag in the movie along with 3 of the men who did it! Impressive!
Ok, I went on a first date last weekend and she wanted to see Sweeny Todd. She did not know what it was. Tim Burton did a great job and all of the blood became funny.

Reminds me of an early date with my yet-to-be-wife in highschool. She dragged me in to see Terms of Endearment. I literally shouted for joy when the protagonist died at the end. "Hurry up and die already!" :lol:
TO, just watched "Sands" and the extra about how the movie was made. Didn't know they used the actual flag in the movie along with 3 of the men who did it! Impressive!


Two other bits of trivia about "Sands of Iwo Jima".

  • In one scene, combat veteran Sgt. Stryker (John Wayne) instructs Pvt. Choynski (Hal Baylor) on the correct way to march and hold a rifle. In real life Baylor was an ex-Marine who fought in the battles of Saipan and Tinian in WW II.

  • Following the success of the movie, John Wayne was invited to place his footprints in cement outside Grauman's Chinese Theater. As part of the event, actual black sand from Iwo Jima was flown to Hollywood and mixed into the cement in which The Duke left his footprints and "fist print".

Gotta love it :!:


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