What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Live Free or Die Hard !!!! HAHAHAH what a name ... it's Die Hard 4.0 over here... why put the .0 on the end I'll never know ...maybe it's cool. F*ckin' knob jockeys
Live Free or Die Hard !!!! HAHAHAH what a name ... it's Die Hard 4.0 over here... why put the .0 on the end I'll never know ...maybe it's cool. F*ckin' knob jockeys

That's one more naughty word than was in the entire film! Pretty pathetic really; you can have people blown up or shot but you can't say bad words whilst doing it
Wildcat what did you think of Apocalypto?
I saw it 'bout a month ago and enjoyed it.

and yeah I liked the Omega man too, been keeping a look out for a copy of it.

I thought it was excellent and very well made. The only beef I have with it, is it became a little bit too unrealistic towards the end, but thats movies for you. As for the Omega Man, I brought my DVD copy yonks ago, so it maybe hard to track down now.
Zulu. Great film but, and it may just be me, does anyone else think a 300 style remake would be a very cool thing indeed?
"Windtalkers". Thought I was watching "XXX" :(


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