What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (2 Viewers)

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I should have posted this a week ago when I saw it, but I didn't for some reason.

Valkyrie. It was rather well done. They even had a real P-40, Bf 109s (NON-Buchons!, though there was one in a hangar) and Tante Jus! The one thing that bothered me was that everyone had a British accent, that is except for Tom Cruise who, of course, had an American accent and Hitler! Hitler was the only person in the entire movie who had a German accent.
Saw Benjamin Buttons on New Year's Eve and was really a good movie,it told a story,not relying on special effects but good acting and writing.
Soul Survivor !. Featuring Richard Baseheart and based on a B25 that crashes in a desert....and the crew are all ghosts but you dont kmow that until half way through the film.

brilliant !

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