What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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There has been a third (remake)? with Mathew McOnahay. (Hope I spelled that rite):oops: Pennelope Cruz and a guy buy the last name of Zahn. I liked it. Oh by the way, went to Wal-Mart the other night and found" War Movies WWII Collection" for $5.00. 4 disc, 20 movies. Heard of a few of them thought I might check it out. Movie list(A Walk In The Sun, 2.)Gung Ho, 3) Corregidor, 4)Ski Troop Attack, 5)Casablanca Express, 6)The Steel Claw, 7)Desert Commandos, 8)Minesweeper, 9)Bombs Over Burma, 10)Commandos, 11)Pacific Inferno, 12)The Battle of the Eagles, 13)Submarine Alert, 14)The Dawn Express, 15)Five For Hell, 16)Black Brigade, 17)Heroes in Hell, 18)Submarine Base, 19)Aerial Gunner, 20)Go For Broke.
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Watched this newest Star Trek yesterday. Good and interesting movie. Story ended in such a way that I'm sure there will be an sequel.

Interesting thing that there is a tendency now in movie serials to return story to the beginning. Examples being Batman Begins and Dark Knight, Bond movies, X-men origins: Wolverine and now Star Trek.
Song For A Raggy Boy, it's about the abuse suffered by young boys in a reform school run by the 'Christian' Brothers in 1930's Ireland. Makes me want to go out and look for a priest and kick the sh*t out of him!
Just got back from the GI Film Festival here in DC and saw "Everyman's War" about a soldier in the 94th Infantry Division during German push in January 1945.
A old friend is the producer of the film and I have to admit this is the first time I ever went to a screening like this filed with other film makers and things. It was pretty fun.
I walked past Dale Dye on the way out too.
Saw "Star Trek" (what are they up to now, 17?) Saturday. Good flick, much better than the 2-hour cheesy episodes that TNG movies turned out to be. Much more realistic....I hate slums or dive bars that are just...clean. They feel too fake.

Rented "Underworld" (the third one, forget the subtitle at the moment). Excellent movie, keeps you wondering whats going on, but ties in to the first two really well there at the end, so there's no continuity gaps.

"Taken". Excellent! Don't piss off Liam Neeson!

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