What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (3 Viewers)

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Sounds cool Wheels, reminds me of a similar viened era'd film about a German POW trying to escape U.K, in which he was shot while trying to start up a new Spit' Vb or IXe to ride back home...

Recently watched....

Hellsing Ultimate I - IV, 17/20 anime; Graphic amounts of blood n guts, girstle, bone slinters, secret societies, vampires and the resurgeant (SS/Millenium) vampiric 'Die Letztes Bataillon', plus 13mm longslide pistols a mysterious (and positively ecstatic at times) character called Alucard.

Thor, 16/20, Hwood Marvel are starting to get used to making good comic book stories/extrapilations convert to the screen :D Liked the space age slant to the "Saga's" of Asatru, even if it seems they haven't aged since humanity lost contact (storywise I mean), and yet repeat as anew, themselves, the plot of our version of their legend.

Green Lantern, 16/20, as above, seems a little more comedic throuout than other Marvels (pun intended), but good overall with strong Aesop's Fable towards the end, its its cgi gfx are an art to themselves almost.

Incredible Hulk, 14/20, " ", close to main theme/storyline of The Hulk comics, infinately better than the Hwood one from early 2000's, tho' I feel Blonski's (spelling?) eventual form is a little too 'Chaos Marine' looking - maybe GW should sue... (joking).

How Did Cooking Make Us Human, 17/20, Doc', food for thought about the conceptual thought that food made us how we are.

Unkown, 16/20, excellent.

The Grey, 18/20, seeing this before your next flight will make you jumpy, more so if your flying over snowy mountains /or Canada... :p - love the Apha Grey and the way his/its character body language is portrayed... Not so sure that a small pack would act so 'individually' as depicted - methinks this is for scaring people who believe that what they see on screen/tv is the total truth, and for anti-wolf reintroduction brigade to use as 'evidence'.
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Hellsing Ultimate I - IV, 17/20 anime; Graphic amounts of blood n guts, girstle, bone slinters, secret societies, vampires and the resurgeant (SS/Millenium) vampiric 'Die Letztes Bataillon', plus 13mm longslide pistols a mysterious (and positively ecstatic at times) character called Alucard.


By the way, reverse Alucard's name to see who he is....
Sunset with Bruce Willis as Tom Mix and James Garner as Wyatt Earp. Latter day cowboy murder mystery. Cool depiction of two larger-than-life iconic figures by two good actors. As a kid, I had all kinds of Tom Mix gear: Drinking mug, clothes, toys.

RA, you inspired a new poll:

I can't resist watching reruns of Watchmen because of:

1. The philosophically dark view of human nature :cry:
2. Carla Gugino and Malin Akerman's great costumes :shock:
3. The really interesting antihero character Rorschach :)
4. Jack Earle Haley's performance as Rorschach :D
5. The interesting alternate history 8)
6. Reasons of my own that are too dark to reveal :twisted:
7. Other :?:
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Rorschach, of course! Loved his character!!! Malin Ackerman doesn't really "do it" for me, but her costume (or lack thereof)...!
Urotsukidoji, Legend Of The Overfiend Legend Of The Demon Womb; anime, daemonic adult horror, - watched it again last night; it's been bloody years since I saw it (on VHS) around in '94-ish. Classic anime horror, more blood than a vampires ball, guts n' internals giant demonic beings laying waste to Shinjuku with tentacles being used in typically MOE-ways etc.

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