What kind of pets do you have?

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Reading the thread about Wolfhounds got me wondering what kind of pets, inf any, people have.

Personally I have an 11 month old German Shorthaired Pointer, and her name is Porsche.
Currently have a cat, hes bigger than the neighbours dogs.

Mixed personality, watched puppies when he was very young. As a result he's pretty hyperactive and fetches things, also has been trained to 'sit'.
I have a whole animal shelter full of pets! :) I kinda think of them as my pets.
I have 1 dog, 1 cat, a fishtank full of freshwater fish, one fish that kills everything in his tank, 1 Waterbuffalo, 2 monkeys...:|

You guys ever wonder why I seem a bubble-off?? THERE ya go! :lol:
Originally posted by Thorlifter
I love animals, but can't have any myself. I get too attached to them and it kills me when they die. So I just enjoy other people's pets.

I use to be like that but my 5-6 rabbits breed like theres no tommorrow

I've got 2 Siberian Huskies who have killed one of our 4 cats so and one just died so that now leaves us with 2 .I'd estimate that the dogs have killed about 30 odd rabbits over the years,really sad and use to really upset me as a kid

heres a pic of the killer
Huskies are awesome! :occasion5:

We have two beagles and two cats. One of the cats is a demon with fur. One of the cats thinks she's a dog. One of the beagles think's he's a human. The other beagle is pretty sure she runs the household. Basically....I'm just a glorified butler.
3 Cats:
Venus, Kimi Raikocat, Shinga
3 Dogs
Sandy(Great Dane)
Ibanez (African Lion Dog/Rhodesian Ridgeback)

Alot of snakes, family of bushbabies, about 80 klipspringer, 2 fish eagle, and 3 leopard(seen two), monkeys, squirrel family which stays in our roof, mongoose family behind swimming pool

Any chance of a photo Les'bride?

Believe me Thorlifter he's a hand full

Marcel,Garter snakes?any photos

Man it's interesting the animals we class as "Pets"
That's a good looking dog 109.


Yes, you guys know him as Les :lol: the Monkeys are my sons Max(8 yr old, today) and Zane (hes 6) :lol: the rest of the menagerie are actual animals and fish..

I was being glib. Sorry.

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