What's for dinner?

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It is summer, and we have packed up work earlier than usual so, it would be rude not to flash up the BBQ.
Cut 2 whole chickens in half, a bit of marinate and grill slowly over the charcoal BBQ's.
Tonight I think I'm going to finally stop at the little greek restaurant in the next town over and pick up a couple Gyro's for dinner. Usually have to go several miles to get a decent Gyro into the not so friendly part of town.
Havent had a gyro in years and years. Not sure what I'm going to do for dinner tonight. May be what we call "big" breakfast. Eggs, BACON!, hashbrowns, english muffins. Can't eat a big breakfast in the morning anymore. Makes me lethargic for the rest of the day.
*In Monty Python voice of I'll mostly be wearing..* "TonIght I'lL mOstly bE eatiNg pAsta wiTh choppeD tomAtoes. And it Will also hAve coveRing of a ChiNese sachet of meaT Seasoning."
Budgeted food can be fun and blandless if you don't think about it...
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Watchoo talkin' bout Willis?
Clearing out the freezer so tonight it's just pies' hash browns and bubble-n-squeak. Good excuse for lashings of tomato ketchup.

Having said that I've also got a nice Beef Provincial Casserole cooking nicely in the oven for tomorrow with friends.
Roasted shoulder of pork rubbed with homemade BBQ spices. Cooked at 250F for hours until it just falls off the bone. Corn on the cob and blackened Poblano peppers. BBQ the peppers on the grill on High until skin blackens. Put in bag for 15min. Skin falls off. Stuff with cheese and serve with a spoon of sourcream. Can't wait.

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