What's for dinner?

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Me and the wife both got home late today. So no cooking. Just 2 burgers and fries from Steak and Shake.

I guess some days you just have to give in to the terrible fast foods...
Eh...fast food isn't all that bad once in a while. Just some FF joints are better than others.

Tonight I'm not in the mood for anything that requires much effort. Thinking I'll do some Shake-n-Bake chicken and mashed taters (the instant kind).
I don't eat out, as I've worked at too many restaurants to know better. But, having bought my fair share of burgers, Wendy's puts out a pretty good looking product.
Pasta, mixed with bacon and a homemade sauce, simple yet somehow very delicious; followed by some apple crumble. If only only I could take the credit for making it.
Cauliflower and ham macaroni cheese tonight, just right for a day when the temperature has plummeted from a blistering 32c yesterday to forecasted 23c today and even less tomorrow.

Climate change………………………….na.. 'it's not happening'………………..bullsh!t!!!
Climate change………………………….na.. 'it's not happening'………………..bullsh!t!!!
Had to laugh at that one! Just saw the news about the Arctic and how the polar ice had spread out much faster than they thought (remember, the Arctic ice was supposed to be gone by 2012) and they've been recording some of the coldest temperatures ever recorded.

Anyway...dinner tonight: leftovers...Chicken, salad beer. Only the chicken was leftovers. The salad and beer were fresh.

Don't ever accept a leftover beer. Ever.
Good old lamb bangers, mashed potato and pumpkin with Chinese broccoli last night, just right after a day of steady rain and a temp that only reached 13c.

Tonight with a similar days weather forecast it will be chicken amatriciana with smashed potatoes and cabbage slowly cooked in butter, sprinkled with caraway seed.

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