What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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Update on the spitty. Not too much left build wise after this. Landing gear and wheels and such. Modeling really isnt that hard when you sit down and do it instead of over thinking everything!

The band on the fuselage was masked off and painted, as revell didnt supply a decal. I like my painters masking tape, as I havent had a incident of leaking and its smooth with a little sanding on the ridge that builds up.


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Well believe it or not, the sky does ride some of the side surface, as seen on the drawing. There is a panlel ine in that blue circle and it is painted right on that. But, I decided to use the tape and level it off to get that line covered and it ended up taking the sky 2mm above it, which is a lot for such a constrasting color. Its not perfect, but its in the ball park even though it may seem not.

Yeah yeah, but no excuses I suppose.

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