What's on The Workbench

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A bit of a mess but I am working on it:shock::shock:
:hotsun: :hotsun:


  • Workbench Mess.JPG
    Workbench Mess.JPG
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nice stuff, vic!

well, I worked on the 737 ALL DAY yesterday. and she's mostly done. I've gotten all the Alaska airlines decals on there with the exception of some extra stuff I didn't need, plus the decals for the winglets which were TOO FRIGGIN SMALL! >_< so I'm working on a way around that. the Alaska airlines decals were SUCH a PITA.

Since the decal sheet one one big decal, i had to cut each individual one out down to the shape they were in so there wasn't any of that extra crap. plus the stripes on the forward and rear of the fuselage just could not stay on and make contact with each other. the stripes on the engines, holy crap, I had to make small incisions on the edges in order for it to fir properly. but now that's all over and done with. I'm moving on to the kit's detail decals which are a LOT easier. I tell ya, I won't be getting anymore decals from DrawDecal again until I'm more experienced.

btw, I won't be posting pics till I'm done! *evil laugh*
Here is what's on my bench right now.


What we have is, a JU 52/3 Minesweeper (Solo build)


The we have an SBD Dauntless I'm doing for a GB, A Corsair solo build, He 129 for the MTO GB and the Seaview because sometimes I need to get away from airplaines


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