What's on The Workbench

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thanks, guys! I'm really excited to see this bird completed. cos as you know, I'm obsessed with Southwest Airlines. lol
Friday was my "White" day.

Here I applied a base cote of white to the leading edges. Later I will add the Yellow


Here I applied white to the tips of the tails of the F-14 and F-18. This way when the decals are applied the black won't show through the yellow.


Als took acre of the landing gear and wheel wells


Here I apinted on the De-icing boots on the leading edges of the B-24


Not to deviate form todays white theme I added White to the tail of the B-24. This should have been done before I put on the green stripes but i forgot.

Nice work Dirk. That B24 is very impressive, especially for its small size. Just check on the Typhoon though; the yellow ID stripes should be level with the tops of the cannons. It looks like the white is quite far back in the pics.
Nice work Dirk. That B24 is very impressive, especially for its small size. Just check on the Typhoon though; the yellow ID stripes should be level with the tops of the cannons. It looks like the white is quite far back in the pics.

Thanks for the info Terry but I think you might be mistaken. What I mean is not your information but your observation. There is a strip of Tamiya tape at the precise line of the future yellow and then the green tape was placed over that to mask any over spray. Here is how it looks with the top tape removed.

Spot on Dirk! I had actually spotted a 'ridge' in the white paint, but wasn't sure if it was two lines of tape or not, hence my advice to check, rather than correct. Should look bazzing when done mate!
If it's any consolation, I've had to re-do the yellow stripes on my Typhoon twice so far - once because they were 'lumpy' (I used that 'toy-town' acrylic paint stuff with a brush!), and the second time because I had them too narrow!
Spot on Dirk! I had actually spotted a 'ridge' in the white paint, but wasn't sure if it was two lines of tape or not, hence my advice to check, rather than correct. Should look bazzing when done mate!
If it's any consolation, I've had to re-do the yellow stripes on my Typhoon twice so far - once because they were 'lumpy' (I used that 'toy-town' acrylic paint stuff with a brush!), and the second time because I had them too narrow!

Yeah, I'm no fan of the Yellow leading edges. Who's idea was this?? :evil:
Progress pis of the Tempest II. Still have a bit to do before this is ready for decals. The silver needs touching up in a few places and a bit more detailing to be done I may have a go with aluminum foil for the panels behind the exhaust stacks tho' am still trying to work out the best way to glue it in place.



Looking good Mag. For the foil, either get a hold of some self-adhesive foil, sometimes available at various art or stationery stores, or of course the 'proper' stuff from Bare Metal Foil Company (Hannant's probably have it). If all else fails, use ordinary kitchen foil, and give the surface of the model where it's going a coat of gloss enamel or polyurethane varnish. Then press the pre-cut (to shape) foil onto this and smooth out. Wipe-off any excess varnish that might leech out, using a soft cloth dampened in thinner, and leave to set. Trim if required once it's set. It should stick like poo to a blanket!
Terry... :lol:

Great work Lewis! As for the NMF, have you tried using the Tamiya Gloss Aluminium or Silver Leaf spray paints? They spray very nice and thin, and look the business!
wow, that's a great lookin' Tempest!

I've applied putty to the wings, engines, and fuselage of the 737-200 and sanded it down. feels nice and smooth, so later I'm gonna apply some primer. the engines were difficult to sand cos they were so tiny. 1:200 scale JT8D's, people. less than half the length of my index finger o.o
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Looks good Mags

Looking good Mag. For the foil, either get a hold of some self-adhesive foil, sometimes available at various art or stationery stores, or of course the 'proper' stuff from Bare Metal Foil Company (Hannant's probably have it). If all else fails, use ordinary kitchen foil, and give the surface of the model where it's going a coat of gloss enamel or polyurethane varnish. Then press the pre-cut (to shape) foil onto this and smooth out. Wipe-off any excess varnish that might leech out, using a soft cloth dampened in thinner, and leave to set. Trim if required once it's set. It should stick like poo to a blanket!

I've read some articles on using the bare metal foil and even even household aluminum foil but I just haven't developed the courage to actually try it.
Yes, to an extent it's a 'one attempt only' material! If you want to try it out, it's a good idea to try small areas on an old model. I keep an old 1/32nd scale Mustang just for trying out different paint mixes and techniques. It now weighs twice what it did originally!!
Well I decided to have a go and am quite pleased with the results. I first cut the kitchen foil roughly to shape then carefully applied a coat of Clear Fix to the exhaust shield using a cotton bud then applied the foil and allowed the glue to set for ten mins. Then using a cotton bud I burnished the foil until it conformed to the underlying panels, then trimmed off the excess foil with a brand new blade. Just a shame that there isn't a lot of contrast between the foil and the silver paint.

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