What's on The Workbench

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Looks good mate, and metal surfaces can be a difficult subject to photograph, even for professional photographers.
I've spent the last fortnight fiddling with the paintwork on the Mirage III, but after opening a beer this evening I decided enough was enough and got on with actually building the thing. I then proceeded to damage both main gear legs as I removed them from sprue :doh: Fortunately, the damage was nearly identical on both legs so it isn't very visible :lol:

Pics to follow when assembly is complete and varnish is on 8)
If you do succumb to the urge Terry, don't buy an Airifx one. The fit was awful and I used about half a ton of filler to get the wings and fuselage together. It does look rather good now though :lol:
Nah! It'll be a 1/48th scale kit, probably either Hobby Boss or Academy. I remember buidling the Airfix 1/72nd scale kit around about 1964, when the moulds were still new. No fit problems then, but of course, we probably didn't know the difference in those days! Basically, if it looked like the subject being modelled, was reasonably accurate and the right size, that was good enough - anything else we'd add ourselves. How things have changed!
Come to think of it, I think I built another Airfix Mirage not long after the Falklands conflict, converting it to Argentine spec and painting it accordingly - one of the many models lost in house moves since then. The kit is nearly as old as the real thing!
I guess I am a bit spoiled, I have built a fair few Tamiya kits, mainly 1/35 figures and small vehicles a s a kid, and a 1/48 Spit and 1/24 BMW WIP at the moment, and they just slide together. I'm also a big fan of the positive location features on Tamiya kits - you can;t put parts on the wrong way even if you try, which is rather a blessing for me, as I can be a little hard of thinking sometimes :lol:

Having said that, the Airfix Hurri I did, and the Seafire, were pretty good kits with few major problems. I would be happy if all of Airfix's offerings were that good!
primer was applied to the 737 a few days ago. haven't gotten much else done ince. been working on our new patio! :D
Few pics of the Mirage, it's now sat with first coat of varnish drying...





Nice work, everybody. I have an Hobby Boss FJ-74 Fury on the workbench right now. Maybe for the Cold War group build.


I have been totally swamped at work. 6 days a week, I'm pooped. Plus running the kids to school and band and.............

And it's shooting season to boot!

I find my self falling asleep around 9-thiry or 10 o'clock---my usual modeling time.


Cheers for the coments guys, I'm getting happier with the results as I get nearer to completion :lol: I have decided that this is the last plane I brush paint though. I've been experimenting with a cheap Revell airbrush and results so far are good, so the next plane I start will be airbrushed from the start.
Not much to show today. This weekend like every other weekend was just insane. Then add mother's day to the mix. By the time I sat down last night I was dead and couldn't even think of modeling. Ok I thought about it a lot but couldn't actually do it. But I thought about it. ;)

I picked up these two F-15's off EvilBay for cheap and I got what I paid for. These are nothing compared to the Dragon kits I've been working on lately. Needless to say they were only meant to be some quick builds and try some different painting techniques.

This one is from Minicraft

This one is Revell




Within minutes both were assembled minus the one piece landing gears and doors.

Waiting for Primer

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