What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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I thought this one was finished, but the build is back on the workbench. Modifying the figures to add and making a base.

There are 3 figures with the kit, a tank commander (?) and two infantry figures in fighting poses. I'm changing the two grunts so they're sitting on the tank. Dr. Wojtek has inspired me!

Figure as provided with the kit.

After he was hacked up and glued back together. He's sitting on the turret having a smoke.

Go M. go M,!!!! Did you use pro modelers wash for the tank? I saw a video instruc today and I think i'm buying!
Cheers fellas I ran out of rattle can primer so I sprayed him with some Humbrol grey, can't remember what number, but it's still tacky after 10 hours!

Corey, I used some white spirits and various oil colours, I bought a cheap set of about 10 paints. I've heard lots of people saying promodellers stuff is great. I think the prices are a bit steep though.
I will look into both, but I have always loved the effect of oil on a wash, even in figures. But I heard white spirit will knock you dead in the head..

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