What's on The Workbench (5 Viewers)

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Oh, thanks BB! Really wanted to hear that! Oh well, going to be making more shelves for models anyway, so I'll be indoors most of the time, unless the pub offers free beer!
Started my Revell Battlestar Galactica 'Colonial Viper' ship. Here is the completed cockpit!


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That it is VB! But I just glued it inside the fuselage and its no longer a problem . Except revell did a really bad job for the notches for glueing it in, thing popped out when I put the fuselages together!
Isn't it supposed to have a switch for the Ultralase X12 Model 247B/394Z1Y interface on the right hand console, next to the ZD/TR4e1/Mod2 control unit? Or is it, judhing by the feet hanging out the bottom, the 'Fred Flinstone' Economy Model 1A?
Possibly Terry, I dont know a thing about battlestar galactica! My dad wanted it and I wanted to try some sci-fi..
I'm too. The Atlantis series doesn't seem to be boring though It is broadcasted on TV here in Poland.
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Well I got sucked into stargate, then Atlantis came and I never got into it. My dad watched it and said he loved it.. But he also watches those $50 budget weekly sci-fi movies..

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