What's on The Workbench

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Thanks guys

its not my favorite scale 1/72. but it is cheap £4.41p paints are 97p each so i have not spent to much on it. So if i mess up it's nothing:oops: anyway its just for the bairn to smash and enjoy:D
Hi guys and Girls

Up date on the 1/72 model that i am going to practise my ( cotton bud ) technique :shock:.

Should be here tomorrow. Will start it Friday as i have to go to hospital tomorrow afternoon:(

Here is something different...something wacky.....something where fun counts ......where details and accuracy doesn't matter....
Something that I built last week for a EEG PLANE GB......check it out and have a laugh :D


here are some egg planes by my friends:-






I laughed, you need to stop feeding your planes so much fuel, enough is enough! :lol::lol::D
Hi Guys and Girls

hospital phoned me to cancel my appointment:evil:. It was to see a specialist about my toes:oops:

Got to have all my toe's broken and metal pins put in to staighten my toes
Sorry to hear Keaith, that just gave me that bone chilling bumpy feeling thinking about broken toes and pins. Hope it goes well and you have the straightest toes out there :lol::D
Update on the 1/72 FW190 A-8

How the h##ll do you guys get the detail spot on these small piece of kits by that i meen the cockpits.

All i was going to do was build it straight out the box THEN try to do the mottling :oops: ( as it's just for my niece ) but i think that would be cheating. So i am in 2minds what to do now.HELP
I got bored and whipped out my balsa chips. With super glue, my hobby knife, and my imagination I made this. Its not finished, as I need to add a ladder, a roof and such. (Dont think I will finish it though haha)


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You think? :shock: I thought it looked terrible for a tower.. If I do finish it I still have to paint it and such. It was fun though!

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