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Shots of the base coat on revells 1/48 spitfire mark II. Took my time with the seams..


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lookin great, mag!

here's some more pics of the MD-80. she's almost ready for decaling. I just gotta put a few details on her. such as the thrust reversersm trim on the wings, vertical stabilizer, tailplanes, front og the engines. as well as adding the gear bay doors. please please forgive me. as this is my very first airliner model, and usually my firsts look like crap :p

EDIT: it would help if I added the pics.



Haven't posted on here in a bit but the work on here looks excellent. Think i'm going to be a little embarressed when I get one done. Keep up the good work guys.
Dont worry Snaf I've just started modeling and am only on my second one so you deffinatley wont be at the bottom of the heap.
You've heard of The Good,The Bad The Ugly,well I have combined the last two traits in my modeling and I'm good at them:lol:
We all start at the bottom... but those who man up and take pictures and post them and ask for advice and tips are those who prosper the most. The first model I ever made I thought was the most beautiful thing ever, until I posted it on the internet, then yeah.. hit with everything and even some laughing ontop of that! But it's okay, because now I look at that model and see what the rest of my models would have looked like if I didnt join such a open and friendly community in which great people are here to help you, not bash you. Snaf, do not be timid in reaching out.. Just look how fast Ellis is coming about! :)
Nice spit mags nice smooth finish on the seems mate real sharp.BB
Great work guys! Love that Spitty, Mag, and nice work Rob!

As a matter of interest, does anyone know why almost all airliners (with a few exceptions) seem to have the same scheme of White upper fues, Aluminium lower, and Grey and Alumium wings ? (One of those things I always wondered about....)
Evan, I think it's a throw-back to the early pre-war and post war days. The overall 'Natural metal' first had white added to the top decking, to keep the cabin cool apparently, then the wings were painted grey to help prevent them looking too scruffy to the paying passengers, as the groundcrew would be all over them for re-fuelling etc, plus the oil, exhust and fuel stains etc. It seems to have developed from there, with the colours becoming 'designer' items in some cases. Plus, of course, the paint is also a protective coating, against corosion, important given the average service life of most airliners.
Starnge, we'll happily climb aboard and fly hundreds, or thousands of miles , on a thirty or forty year old airliner, but would think twice of driving a car of the same age!
Spits been sitting there and I said I have to get something done.. did some camo. Am pressed on time so I cant do anymore, damn school!


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Started Tuesday, 2 days in.. already got homework and all that. I usually spend more time dredging over homework then actually being productive and modeling or something. And the homework is only getting worse! :shock:

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