Willi Reschke Joe Owsianik -meeting after 63 years

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Absolutely awesome stuff Roman... Excellent pics as well.... Were there any tears shed Im wondering???


sure- in my eyes and in Willi´s as well when we were saying goodbye. You know- to get these two together did mean a lot of research, corresponce, free time and a lot of understanding from my family, especially my wife.
But NOTHING CAN´ T BEAT THAT FEELING WHEN THEY MET. We spent there 2 hours in the pub where usually former German fighters from Thüringen (a part of Germany where Willi lives) meet and it was for a very first time when some American, a former enemy, went there.
I still can´t believe it. This way I wanna thank to Willi Reschke, his son, Joe Owsianik, all my friends and my family for supporting me...

Nice weekend
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Oh man, sorry to hear that. He was a great man. I am glad I had the opportunity to learn from him (through you of course my friend.).

Blue skies and tail winds Willi...

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