woljags older models rebuilds

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thats interesting Igor thanks,i'll start with this one and take a few pics later on today for you all to see,i have the scale drawings and body from an old vac form kit from the 60's,i also have an old battered very early frog spitfire mk 1 kit that i'm going to use as parts as its wings are solid larger than the patterns and so can be cut down /reshaped to the correct profile,the lower cowl is also the correct shape although a little wide

just a few pics of what i'm doing at present,the 1st few show the IK-3 being rebuild using an old mk1 spitfire for parts,there are also pics of some of the others found including the SB-2 of which i've had to remake all the transparentces that were missing,pics next show the old green klemm35 drawings and 2 models i'm trying to build using these drawings[open cockpit and enclosed],the last few pics are of a small few of the others found and either under restoration of waiting there turn,these include 2 x of what i think are caproni bombers,se6,puma and sea fury,
thanks for looking
the short answer is everywhere,stuffed in lofts/sheds/ workshops in old boxes.When i left home these old kits moved with me,at one point there was over 1000 of them over half were unmade still in there original boxes until one of my garages was broken into and the models were stolen including as i've said before an almost complete collection of frog/triang 1/72nd aircraft kits including test shots,as you know it has taken me my whole adult life so far to replace that collection these kits are what was missed by the thiefs in a classic cars boot at the time and number approx 100 kits of different types all 1/72nd some complete but many missing parts as they have been moved around over 40 years
guys im just rebuilding an old wreak of a model from parts and an old kit for replacement pieces but cant find a decent profile of avro york colours and markings,im thinking of doing it in coastal command or raf ,can anybody help please

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