WW2Aircraft.Net T-Shirt??? Yea or Nay...

WW2Aircraft.Net T-Shirt... Yea or Nay...

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Yea I wear my german helment when I ride my harley, and when i take it off i still have my airborne hair cut witch is very short on top no hair on the sides and I get bad looks , but my grandpa gave me that thing in the 80s, he got it in the war so now i wear it out of pride but most people just don,t get it
I agree with Biker babe - we have to be careful since this is a World forum and some images may not be recieved well in some countries. I own a T-shirt with the Afrika Korps emblem over the pocket. Nothing else. And the small swastika within the palm tree had me answer some tense questions.


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Why not something a litle bit more representative of the nations involved instead of the individual aircraft?

There's not enough T-Shirt material to have one aircraft representing each nation, let alone decide which one it would be.

Before I post my suggestion, I want to let folks know that I did this based on the national insignias that were in use at the start of the war (ca. 1940-41). This includes Canada's, which was approved in 1924, but didn't see widespread use until late in the conflict. I have assembled them in no real particular order. I just pulled insignias from my chart that I use for my aircraft skins, and applied them on the fly.

If this were the design to be adopted, I am sure that insignia placement would then be decided, arranged accordingly and made official by the powers-that-be. :)

This is placed on the back of a long-sleeve T (I like long-sleeve Ts - hence the example - but it can be any T folks decide on), perhaps a smaller version of the graphic or just the text WW2AIRCRAFT.NET could be printed on the front, like over a pocket or left breast.

And if the many colors make it too expensive, it doesn't look half-bad in gray-scale, either :)


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If its to include all participants, I think the only ones you are missing are Brazil, Mexico, Noway, Greece, and Denmark

What's the one to the left of China?

This would make an awesome shirt!
Glad everyone's liking the design so far...the national insignias kind of make sense and are alot easier to get all of them in one spot instead of one or two aircraft.

VB, the Mexican's P-47s in the PTO used a late U.S.A.A.F. insignia, with the red/white/green splash on thier tail...not sure how to represent them otherwise. I can try and see what all insignias were in service in 1940-41 for the other ones you mentioned. And the insignia next to the Chinese insignia is the South African insignia. I have seen that used as well as standard RAF insignias for thierMTO aircraft. I've also seen a roundel that has an orange springbok in the center, much like the Canadian Maple Leaf and the "Roo" of the RAAF, but I think that was either late war or post war maybe?
I think the wings on those P-47s (Mexican) were red white and green triangles. I happen to have those decals somewhere. Will try to find them this weekend.
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