You're right... Am masking up for RLM76 ATM, now that the horizontals are on and the Engine door is done - am a little nervous about over spray as the Tamiya Flat Aluminium seems to have gotten 'everywhere' (will be looking for a better 'metal' colour for the 1/48 scale stuff). So once I get the RLM 76 on, will post some happy snaps.
Got a little distracted last night by my next 'DIY' endeavour - home made decals; I knocked up some test articles for Fw 190D-11 (220017 'White <<-'), Fw 190D-13 (836016 'Black <<') and Ta 152H-0 (150007 'Black 13'). Initially, the main goal will be the ability to roll out Werk Nummern and markings in black; then we'll move onto dark colours in the hope that my laser printer prints 'densely' enough to make this feasible. I also have a pair of identical Inkjets that I am looking at modifying into a 'two pass' system, by using one to print WHITE and the second to print CYMK - thats longer term tho. Back to the D-9
Addendum - well I thought for a moment I'd screwed it up after a momentary moment of dexterous deficency (double action airbrush : DOWN is airflow, BACK is paintflow), but despite the slightly heavy coat in an area or two, the Lifecolor Acrylic seems to be just forgiving enough to save me... Control surfaces still require a second coat, but as is, all seems OK. Not much to take photo's of ATM, as about 60% of the surface area is covered in masks, but all is good. Need to now paint a small piece of plastic with various colours (RLM75, RLM76, RLM81, RLM82, RLM83 and three of my 'interpretations' of the
RLM84 colour) so I can decide if this upper colour should be RLM82 or RLM83 and MAYBE shedding some light on the overspray colour, the 'patch up' colour and the tail mottling... I feel the tail is mottled with RLM 'Eighty-Green' (ie, which ever green it is for the upper surface), but some sources suggest RLM81. I just want to convince myself I am on the right track
Addendum 2 - My little 'Palette Test' is drying now and I think I have totally lucked out with the results
While I am missing an RLM70 - Schwarzgrün, all other colours I ham happy with. In case others are interested, I am using the LifeColor versions of RLM74, RLM75, RLM76, RLM81, RLM82 and RLM83 - of interest is how 'green' RLM81 - Violettbraun looks when you open the tubb; but it dries to a much nicer colour. My
RLM84 experiment looks pretty good also; Gunze/Mr Color H74 Duck Egg Green is a really nice looking 'Cream-Green' found on some of the LATE Mimmetall D-9's; Gunze/Mr Color H314 FS 35622 is a nice 'light grey-blue' (could probably go a tone darker - maybe mix with some grey); LifeColor UA124 makes a nice 'grey-blue' (maybe a shade dark) that was supposedly found on some of the D-11's.
For this project, the Gunze H314 will be used for the oversprayed Rumpfband and small area's of repair; I am being drawn towards the RLM83 for the upper surface colours.