Zaggs Ta 152H-0 - St./JG 301 'Orange' - and his attempts to keep things OOTB!

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Dust is accurate! She sits on the Shelf of Doom, because one of the wings warped when I was gluing it up.

But I am working on building again, so she does stand a chance after the brace of Bf 109G-10's and the Lippisch P.13a. I've also been inspired to dust of the 'ready for paint' Ta 183 and the half painted Fw 190D-15 prototype...

But I do have a very pretty AMK MiG-31 and Wolfpack T-38A, which are both tempting me also!

Just arrived, my Dora 9, Black 10, W.Nr. 500613, from II./JG26....
By the look of things, she (much like my JV44, Red 13) might have had two different styles on her 'Black 10'!



hahaha, the Ta remains on the shelf-of-doom... Next to the bottle of paint all mixed up for it. I've been distracted by Bf 109G-10's, work (more and more work here teaching at uni) and odd jobs (like replacing Cisterns and Taps).

I fully intend to get back to it... And of course, since this thread was started, there's another 20 Ta 152's in the collection - including half a dozen of the EXQUISITE Zoukei Mura 1/48 kits... Though I have resisted cracking one open, till I get some stuff finished.

Don't get ahead of yourselves, lads ;) Just means I can 'see the light' at the end of the tunnel, and hope to have some time soon... I do however also have a big new 3D printer to play with; and I really want to have a crack at one of the new Eduard Bf 109's... But I am also being sent some Sci-Fi Resin to build for a buddy who is starting a resin company... And I have all the bits for a nice Spitfire PR XIX (Airfix kit) too - that's my "Why don't you try with something different?" project....

Was supposed to finish up some work tonight - I didn't. Instead I chipped away at the Bf 109G-10/U2, G-10/U4 and Lippisch P.13a.

The P.13a got some primer to check seams.

The G-10/U4 mods are done, so just need to tidy up some panel lines...

The G-10/U2 is getting there - major mods are done, but little things to do still (and figure out if I use the big or small wing bulges); then cockpit and wings.

Both need minor work on the fin, as the Fujimi kit with the tall tail always looks a bit bent to port when in place.

The Ta 152H sits on the shelf still tho...

Yes and No...

Yes in that I know the little fixes and re-engraving that needs to be done (and I need to fix the wing roots, where I got too aggressive with the file), and I just don't want to do that yet - basically, fix up something I managed to screw up.

No in that I'm making good (albeit slow) progress with the Bf 109G-10/U2 and Bf 109G-10/U4 (just need to confirm the schemes and work out which overwing bulges I need - I already have a set done for the U4 that have the small bulges, but now I am finding references that suggest all U4's had big bulges, and the U2 was the one that could have had either, so there maybe a wing swap up ahead!).



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