1:32 Hasegawa BF 109 G-14

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Tech Sergeant
Dec 16, 2009
Milan, Italy
Hi everybody!
So I finally managed to start this new project.
Base kit is this:

My idea is to make this bird:

better seen here:

First step was to cut the engine cowling

in order to replace it with the Aires parts

that I modified in order to replace the supercharger intake with the one from Eagle Editions

In the mean time I also gave a first black coat to the engine

and an RLM 66 coat to the cockpit I got from MDC

More pictures will follow but my progress will be slow as I'm still on my holiday house and I have to spend some time on the beach as well!
Today I let my family going to the beach and I did some more surgery, see below:

Gray parts comes from the Hase kit.
About the oil-bubble remover, I will have to add it to the engine, does anybody have a picture showing it?

I also added a piece of pipe and a little stiffener inside the supercharger intake

Some more to come a.s.a.p.

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