1/48 A-20G Havoc

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Ok folks, I have been working on fitting the cockpit into the fuselage since yesterday and have finally gotten it to where I can accept the way it all fits now so here it is. Please let me know what I have missed or overlooked. I left the wing brace loose as I'm not sure as to how it should sit in the fuselage. At the moment it is just sitting in the bottom of the slot, but it may have to be forced up a bit or all the way. Not sure. The turret is extremely loose fitting. Maybe once I get the canopy fitted to it it will tighten up a bit. I did some searching on a couple of review forums and they brought up the fact that the nose cone does not fit properly so I'm going to put it together as I attach it to the nose. This way maybe I won't have a large seem to fill.(HOPEFULLY)

Looking very good indeed Aaron.
From what I remember of my Boston, which is basically the same kit, the wing spar sits loose, and tightens when the wings are fitted. It still 'floats' as far as I remember, but supports the wing internally.
Almost forgot to mention - you'll need plenty of weight up front, and as far forward as possible in the bomb bay, maybe (Boston had a 'glass' nose, so not much room for weights.). Test it by balancing the wing tips on your finger tips; if the nose doesn't go down, it needs more weight!
Thank you very much folks! Terry, this one has the enclosed gunship nose on it so I can probably get enough clay and ball bearings into it to buckle the front gear. I will do a little testing before I put it together. And thank you for the heads up. I thought about using windshield dum-dum and the ball bearings but the dum-dum may be to sticky. Don't know but we'll see.
I have plenty of fishing weights, thank you Terry, and you to Wayne!!! Sorry I've been away for a couple of days. The cornea is now missing from the bottom half of my right eye and is now doing a nice job of growing back again. I have been in a dark room for the past few days.
It is Woody, thank you. I have been sanding the fuselage and trying to find some putty to fill the seem to make it smooth but I think I am just going to have to use the scratch putty I have and do the best I can. Hopefully I will have some photos soon. I have had my right eye shut so long that with it open I get a little dizzy.( I know, what do you mean get dizzy?)
Ok folks, my eye has finally gotten to where I can see halfway decent. I was going to spend some time on the engines this evening but, my airbrush decided it need to be cleaned. Being that I have been out of commission for over a week I totally forgot to clean it and I had one heck of a catastrophy to deal with. I got it clean and operational again and shot the engine color on them. Now I just have to let them dry and ad some detail. Hopefully I can do that tomorrow evening. I know it is going extremely slow but I'm doing a little research to. Have not been able to find a photo of a R-2600 with a lot of wear and tear on it so I will have to do the best I can as far as weathering them and making them looked used. Oh, and Terry, thank you again for the filler tip. I have it filed away so I won't forget it this time and I am going to bring some urethane clear and activator home to use along with some fast reducer. It stays in the low 60s F here in the basement so the 65 degree F reducer should work just fine. I hope. Cheers all and hopefully I'll have some shots tomorrow or Friday. And I almost forgot, thank you Trey.

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