let's see if I explain well the pics I've been taking to explain paul.
If you have any questions I will answer query delighted smoothly.
broad brush pallet.
moisten it, as if we were to paint dry brush, apply throughout the area to place the salt.
the pics so you can see that the amount of water applied is almost negligible, this is to prevent the salt dissolves leaving the salt that we would throw the paint to lose.
we take the salt without problems on lack better.
allow it to dry for at least 30 minutes, the grain is not glued will go with just turning the plane, leaving nothing but salt and grabbed hit humidity is usually a two or three applications as I do so I have more control as you can see the salt is very uneven and needs more amount in one or bulls mienteras other side has in excess.
after repeating the process every time a more localized area is so is simply patience, practice and prevent accumulation of water as is the loss of time as always saldra saltpeter for demos and more layers will shortly finished painting the model begin to rot and fall off or if the plastic is not quality ireparables damage can occur in the plastic by their decomposition
the next thing I do is the nuanced chipping for it I do is with a fine brush-bristle (I have a brush that takes me more than 20 years), you can make the brush with an old brush that be used because they are already very spoiled, as my case, dip the brush in fast drying glue the ends leaving half brush the glue to dry this hardened bristle brush so that the force has yet captures essential water to work well salt and can draw and paste elsewhere.
wet brush having the fine tip dry there is no need only be taken into account that the cannula of the bristles can not generate a droplet I repeat would give us a lot of problems, let us working according salt like drawing of where we do not see that we like and it captures moisture qeu salt can be placed elsewhere, I usually put in interpaneles in step to homogenize the mechanical wear and not look like islands chipping marks.
I leave it to dry for 24 to 32 hours to harden salt finish the wet and painted with paint to taste but has to take into account that such vallejo when waterborne salt can dissolve so must be lighter hands.
I personally have proven with different paints and I like most is the Vallejo for its poor grip so the next step will be because of using vallejo.
I put a pic of how you can do the ups and downs of color in the areas of the panels