1/48 Grumman F3F-1 - From WW1 to WW2 GB

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1st Lieutenant
Jan 1, 2012
north carolina
User Name, Meatloaf109
Name, Paul
Catagory, Intermediate
Scale, 1/48
Manufacturer, Accurate Miniatures
Model Type, Grumman F3F-1
Aftermarket, None, nope, not even bits of wire or stuff off the desk, this kit has it all!

This is typical Accurate Miniatures, great detail, excellent instructions, (all 20 pages), P.E. goodies; flying wires, ignition harness and other stuff, and a decal sheet that never ends. It is possible to build any F3F-1 ever made!
However, being AM, it has one problem, (they all have one), on this it is the fit of the gear covers. I have studied the builds of others on the net and there is a simple solution, but more on that when I get to that step.
I like the Commanding Officer's aircraft as pictured on the box, VF-3 on the U.S.S. Saratoga, 1936, so that is the one I will be doing.

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Going to keep and eye on this one, Paul. Just to see how the scale plastic F3F stands up to the balsa/tissue model. Thinking about it... there will be no comparison, you can't put the detail into a balsa model that you can in a scale plastic.


will be fun and informative to watch the 2 unfold
Yeah, great start Paul. Got all the stuff in order and ready to go....
A place for everything,
and everything all over the place.
rock-n-roll mate.
Should be a good one Paul the LHS has a few of these kits i should grab them up i think 10.00 to 15.00 each.

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