Good morning to all,... the time to return to my therapeutic work, was possible from yesterday.
I do not know if it happens to you, but
I always need a day to rest from the holidays !!
It is not much that I advanced, but it was important to finish with the details of the interior of the fuselage, before closing it.
The tail gear is ready, after some scratches that reveal the metal under the paint:
To the bombs racks I also applied some dry brush with aluminum # 11 of Humbrol and with a mixture of bronze and gold (# 12 and # 16) paint the inner rods. We'll see how much we can see this once your moment arrives during the process.
The two dividing walls of the sections, were more realistic, after applying the dry brush ...
Following the advice of
Wojtek in post # 221, the result of removing the inner ribbons from the windows was a clean job with no need to do anything else!
(Thanks W. )
The appearance I achieved with the dry brush and two shades of aluminum, give much realism to wear in the corridors and platforms where you walk and to the walls. The dust, grease and normal dirt, gave a more real appearance, which I liked as seen. I do not know how much can be appreciated once closed, but the satisfaction of doing it and that the photos give the constancy of what was done, is enough for me.
I feel that I got a little bit risk by leaving those "injection marks", but I do not think they are notorious.
Well, now it will only be a matter of placing the remaining windows, which previously passed more than 15 hours after bathing them in Future ...
It seems that these will be the last photos of this year that ends today.
I hope that the year that ends today has left to all of us, new experiences, lessons learned, satisfactions, pending issues and enough energy to address 2019 with the strength and projects that allow us to make a better year than now ends.
Much health, love, work, blessings and new satisfactions for all of you and your families, sincerely from Magy and mine.
Un Gran Abrazo y Feliz 2019 para toda la familia