1/48 P-51D Mustang

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Tech Sergeant
Jan 29, 2009
*Fun Fact: Did you know the 'Mustang' car was named after the aircraft and not the horse? Fun!

Ok guys, will be building this one from Revell. Seems it will be a lot easier then that P-38 but this has some nice touches. I already noticed the open gun door giving the option to show the bullets and such which will be quite a treat. For some reason revell is weird with their instructions.. sometimes you get 'bad' instructions then you get very good ones like this.


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It is a good kit. Just take your time. I built this as Detroit Miss.

The one thing to be careful of is the fit between the wing and fuselage. I goofed the right side up.

One hint. Don't add the main landing gear and other things until you are done painting and decaling. That is just less stuff to get broken off while you build it.

Now, just have fun!

Bill G.
Righto Bill.. I want to try my first 'preshade' but idk if my .30 nozzle would give too much coverage on this little panel lines.. maybe save the the preshade for the next aircraft?
"Big Beautiful Doll" as shown on the box, but I looked at the decal sheet and you have to do some cutting on those stripes and such
I have posted 5 pictures of my P-51 of this kit at Post Photos of Your Models. I hope you can do better!

Have fun! Just remember we are all watching! So NO pressure!

Bill G.
Yep, as Bill said, it's a nice little kit, especially as it's been around for about 30 years or more! It turns into a nice replica, which can stand alongside the best, I've done a couple or three over the years. BTW, the reason the instruction sheet is better, is that this was originally a Monogram kit.
Ah yes, I love the pictures and the actual details concerning the kit.. looks like they actually give a sh*t and are not being their normal withdrawn selves. Ive only built revell though, so dont apply my above statement to other manufacturers.
Alright, cockpit is done.. there is a pilot but i'm going to put him in later.. basic stuff here, for the wood I painted it black first then did a 'cork brown' over top of it. Im taking my time like mentioned but this kit just seems to be the best revell I've ever handled.. well I havent dry-fitted anything yet so we'll see.


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