1/48 P40-E RAAF - old Monogram kit revisited.

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Senior Airman
Hey guys.

After watching OzHawk's group build taking fine form, something was pushing me in the back to go back to this kit.

The evil vacuum monster made the air intake assembly mysteriously vanish, and this kit ended up back in the cupboard to be forgotten. but I couldn't forget about it because I really wanted to get this one done!

So I figured I'd have a go at scratch building a new one... nothing to loose.

So here's where I'm up to so far!

I had planned it to be a bit more accurate and detailed, but with my (very!) limtied scratch building skills, this is how it turned out.


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I think it turned out OK all things considering!! It'll pass hidden behind a coat of paint and the propeller anyway :p

Here's the cockpit as it went back into the box, needed a bit of touching up since then though...


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The tail-wheel well left a nasty gap that I wasn't going to leave alone, so that copped a bit of plasticard and some filing, but personally, I'm super-proud of how it came out!


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Also check out the woeful fit of the tail fins! And this was after a bit of adjustment to fit the fins into the body.....


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Now the wheels.... oh how plain and boring!

This left my girlfriend glancing over and saying "Oh god, what are you doing now?!?!". Well, if I saw someone sitting under a fluro light, with a 4 inch razor knife in hand, doing what looked like removal of fingerprints from their thumb, I'd say that too.

But all for a reason, and it turned out OK. Again, not as expected, but acceptable. A bit of texture if nothing else!

(And bloody hell, there was enough thumb cramps through the process!!!)


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And then the wings went on.. With a little persuasion. I'm actually really happy with the detail of the parts, but the fit is not fantastic. the filling is going to wait until I get a syringe to inject the putty to where it needs to go, my usual method of squeeze it out and sand it off will not be good enough this time 'round!


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That old Monogram is no beauty, but you will get into shape. It's a pity you didn't shout about the missing bits, I've got just what you need, plus some left over Hasegawa wheels. Oh well. adapt, overcome, succeed and all that.

What decals do you have in mind Crunch?


Limited scratch-building skills??!! That's bl**dy marvellous, great job Crunch!

Thanks all. I haven't touched it since I posted those pics, I've got to flu that everyone in the world seems to have at the moment (but not oinky), so I've been getting home from work and just curling up on the couch.

As far as schemes go, I was going to do it OOB, using a standard earth/green over grey. The Decals allow for No. 75 Squadron , RAAF, Port Moresby, Australia piloted by Australian Ace Flt. Lt. Les Jackson - Schuftie is the name. The link below shows this kit completed in the OOB scheme

Promodeler 1/48 P-40E Warhawk, by Andy Garcia

But I dunno, looking at OzHawks scalloped tips, I have always liked that scheme, so we'll see. But I still think I'll do the box build.
Great work Crunch, got me covered for that scratch building stuff :D Im struggling enough locating the damn parts let alone making them :lol:

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