352nd Fighter Group "Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney" Build

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Alright its not perfect but its getting there. I thought I had gotten the tailplanes and the fin fillet sanded...obviously not. The pictures show so no need to tell me

The bottom me gots to work on the air intake....


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It's getting there H. You've now found out that all sanding, joints etc have to be absolutely perfect if using a metal finish! It's a b*gg*r, as even when you think it must be perfectly smooth after all the sanding and polishing, there's nearly always at least one area which shows the tiniest blemish.
Atleast it didnt get eaten!

Just been sanding, filling, sanding, polishing, sanding, filling, filling, sanding, filling, polishing different joints....
Don't panic about the tail wheel H. Had this happen to mine so what I did was to drill out a hole in the wheel and the support then bent a piece of wire to the appropriate shape and super glued it in place.
Same here, on at least three Mustangs, in different scales. Drill, cut a paperclip, superglue, sorted!
Seems to be a design feature of all P51 kits....probably to test the modellers skills!!
Patience Harrison, I've had many times when I thought I had everything sanded real well, then you put on a coat of paint and have to sand again.....and again..........and..........again. I had one kit that I repeated the process 8 TIMES before I got it right !!!!!

Hang in there friend,


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