A SPECIAL Thanks to Shinpachi

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
Guys, I would like to post this Very Special THANKYOU to Shinpachi from my wife Lynn and I, we spent 3 and a bit days in Osaka and he made himself available every day to show us various places in Osaka along with a day trip thrown in to Kyoto.

Each morning he promptly arrived at our hotel and off we went to view some great sites...

Fumiyuki, for those that don't know, was a most humble and gracious host, we were treated as honored Guests and we will be forever thankful to him for showing us his great City.

Our most Sincere thanks Fumiyuki-san

Wayne and Lynn.
It was frankly an impressive experience for me too to have received honorable guests from the other side of the planet.
I have fully understood that we can trust and respect each other as long as we make efforts to understand even if mutual life styles are different.
Lynn's Australian gift and your masterpiece of Eternal Zero are magnificent. They will be my home treasure and my son and daughter will be happy to inherit them as well as tons of memorable pictures in the future.

Thank you very much for your kindest courtesty, Lynn and Wayne.
I am praying your safe trip.

Here is a brief flow of my snap shots with Lynn and Wayne.
She was so elegant and beautiful. I thought our women should also be like her as wife, mother and working girl.

At Osaka Port

Tenjinbashi Festival

Osaka Castle

Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto

Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto

Shijo Street in Kyoto

Universal Studios Japan

Umeda Sky Building

Wayne at a hobby shop

Wayne and Lynn in my room

At shopping

Harukas building in my neighborhood

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