Academy 1/72 B-17E "Old 666" 43rd Bomb Group 1943

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Chill dude, Same thing happened to me. I reopened the fuselage got it out and viola. It took and extra 2 hours but it was worth it!

Hang in there!

Just did the same damn thing on the B-25 DP. I fully popped the window out and got it out the back end. My strategy to fix is cut off the locating tabs and glue it in again from the outside with PVA. might work.


Just did the same damn thing on the B-25 DP. I fully popped the window out and got it out the back end. My strategy to fix is cut off the locating tabs and glue it in again from the outside with PVA. might work.



The windows are a minor problem compared to the Fuselage not fitting together properly. The problem seems (LOL, I said Seem while talking about a seam problem) to be around the bombay bulkhead. Like I said I'm probably going to look into it again later tonight. I refuse to let some plastic beat me. Although its becoming clear that painting this thing will also be an issue with the Top Turret, ball turret and waste guns in place. Not impossible just more difficult. I already broke off one of the Top turret guns just dry fitting the fuselage halves together. Took less than 30 seconds to accomplish.
Bit of a setback Dirk, but I'm sure you'll sort it. Sounds like maybe one, or more, of the bomb bay bulkheads might be slighlty mis-aligned, causing the fuselage to bow at that point due to not locating against the internal rib fully.
Well the deadline is fast approaching and the likelihood of me finishing on time is slimmer then ever. Regardless I will continue till she's done. All it means in the end is less pressure and hopefully less mistakes.

Last we left old 666 I was having problems with the windows staying in place and the fuselage closing up cleanly. With file in hand I shaved down the aft bulkhead between the bombay and radio operators room. Did some dry fitting and we were back on track. But before I can reattach the fuselage halves I had to reinstall the 3 missing windows. This time instead of using the window glue I used regular liquid cement which I applied with a thin paint brush.

next the haves went together and clothes pins and tamiya tape was used to hold it together. next using my sons Legos I fashioned a cradle to hold and support the fort without damaging the bottom turret.

From the top you can see the fit is a lot better now. Before I reworked the bulkhead the gap was almost 1/16 of an inch.

From the bottom looking into the bombay

Did I ever tell you about this guy Murphy? Well he wrote some laws and wouldn't you know he came to visit me again. Just as i was placing the plane into the cradle I popped another window out. %$*!!!! Fricken!! $%*# FRICKEN Son of a... You get the point

Till next time, Thanks for taking the time to look at my work.
Well Dirk, it's look great!!

With the window, what I did (keep in mind this is 1/48.) I took tweezers in one hand and a toothpick in the other and lifted the window gently into place again then on the toothpick/needle, I put CA glue (I used future so it didnt fog) around the edge and tilted the plane to the side the window was in so if it was out.

Good luck
Dirk, only you could take the seriousness of modeling and facilitate it with a lego base and block holders..

As for those windows.. If you have future, coat them in that then CA the things into place. It's what I do, I used to get window pops all the time with PVA. It's just not strong enough for those of us who have finger slips or bad fuselage fits.

Keep your head up!

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