Ain't She Cute

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Vic Balshaw

Major General
Jul 20, 2009
Found this little critter snugly tucked away in my garden this morning. Outside in the front garden this possum is no more than 3 metres from where I sit by the front window with my laptop.

Tucked away nice and snug in a clump of African Iris.


The Iris clump as seen from where I sit.

Sadly Dave, over here they are a protected animal even though they are a pest in most suburbs. Consequently I have to go to you guys for my Marino/possum wool socks.
They definitely are a PITA especially when they take up residence in your ceiling. About 10 years ago in my old house we had a possum fall through the ceiling vent above the toilet (luckily the dunny lid was down), at about 3 in the morning. The noise it made as it and the vent crashed to the ground scared the living sh*t outta me! Jumping out of bed half asleep I was expecting to see a burglar but instead was confronted with a frightened possum! The next five minutes were straight out of "Christmas vacation" with the missus and I chasing this thing around the house trying to get it out the door with much yelling and screaming (by her of course). :lol:
yep right across the state line from me they eat them critters. when you visit anyone and they offer you dinner ALWAYS ask what kind of meat they are serving. if it has a name you dont recognize...might not want to say.

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