AIRFIX 1/48 Bf109F

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
For the first time I've had some time left before the next Group Build so I thought I would tackle one from my Unfinished Kits post. This one has already been started so it's a "Started to Finish" build. I can't remember why I put this one away but I now have decals to do a "captured" version. I'll have to dig through my decal stash and post a photo later. Right now I'm researching seat belts and as the canopy is molded closed, I'll make my own. The parts are attached with fairly large points but nothing serious and the detail isn't bad.


Good stuff Geo. It's still a nice kit, even after 30+ years. Seat belts were similar in appearance the the '109E, but the shoulder straps were anchored to the bulkhead, same as the 'G' and later variants - I'll try to post a pic later.
The canopy can be sawn through at the 'joints' with a razor saw quite effectively, and looks fine posed open. If needed the edges can be pared down with a sharp blade, to give a slightly thinner look, but this shouldn't be required.
Note that the circular moulding at the bottom of the starboard cockpit wall is the cover over the oxygen regulator, and was normally painted mid blue.
Thank you Terry. Regarding where the seatbelts mount, Airfix would have one mount the armored headrest to the bulk head via a slot. Photos show that it was attached to the canopy.(Didn't notice this before I painted everything.)


So now I'm going to file off the attachment point and glue the headrest directly to the canopy with puzzle glue. Now, does the headrest line up with the canopy frame(blue line) or does the top of the headrest sit flush with the top of the canopy(yellow line).


In fact it wasn't the headrest but it was an armour plate to protect pilot. It was attached with an angel like the yellow line shows.
Thanks Wojtek. It also looks like it was attached further back than Airfix indicates. I've decided not to attach it to the canopy as the glue would give the attachment point a glossy finish through the canopy and there would be no way to dull it down(up?).

And here you are a way of attaching of seat belts. It seems that the way depends on the pilot's seat and time..




Merci, mon frere. First correction, you can't fathom how many times I almost snapped off the control column.


Pas de quoi , mon ami. I can imagine how many times you damaged the pilot's stick. To be honest it's the basic mistake made by many very often. Why the hell it has been attached while the interior required more work? I would paint the stick separately and I would apply some of the Humbrol Maskol into the aperture for its sitting, protecting it against coating. Then I could paint the interior area or just work on it without the fear of breaking. It is always better to put togeter all main parts and attach thse small fragile pieces at the end of assembling. Especially the cockpit hole is quite big.
I stand corrected on the scheme I'm doing. Don't have any "captured" decals for an -F so I'll be doing this instead for it's oddballiness(Up yours, Mr. Spellcheck) color scheme.


Having said that, I've never used ICM decals before. Any thoughts out there? Oh yea, what might the color translate into RLM? I can guess on the yellow, blue, and sand, but not the greens. Also, they don't seem to mention the grey or did they call it green?

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I would suggest applying a gloss clear coat on the decal sheet. There are different opinions on the ICM decals but it doesn't matter. Just these are quite old and spent some time in the kit box. I recommend the procedure for all decals stored in LHSs or stashes for some time.

As far as colours are concerned... the plane carried the tropical colors RLM79/78 initially and was repainted with disruptive patches of RLM75/74(70) over the African scheme.






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Advice taken and used, thanks.EDIT:The reason I popped in. Added some color to the innards. If they're not right, pop over to Hyperscale and blame Mr. Green.


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The F model could have had either RLM 02 for a cockpit or 66 like you've done. I'd have done it the way you did.

Now, as for ICM decals, I've not had any luck with them at all. At first glance, the ones I've tried to use look impressive with a nice flat finish and perfectly registered. However, I have found them to be extremely stiff, almost like they were printed on wax paper and there was absolutely no response to setting solutions. Ended up not using them.

I like the scheme of your 109. Should be colourful.
Wow, you guys aren't building up my confidence about these decals so if things go South with them, who knows anything about Peddington Haus. These are always up for sale.
1/48 luftwaffe unit decals | eBay
Anyhoo, the wheel wells were bare so I added some stiffeners. These and the tail well wheel are RLM02, yes?


Just waiting for the seat harnesses to dry and attach, then I can button this sucker up. Andy, this will be my most ambitious scheme yet. Lots of masking and freehand bendy painting.

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From the Warpaint book "Messerscmitt Bf109 by Chris Banyai-Reipl and Barry Rosch

To be fair though, they do mention that the lighter color may be RLM79


EDIT: DOUBLE HMMMMM.... From the same book(my highlighter) Is this the same aircraft? No kill markings on the tail.

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