Airfix Lanc' build.

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ian lanc

Senior Airman
Sep 30, 2007
mansfield, nottinghamshire
Hi Guys,

Being as it cheers me up so much on this site i've decided to put up a few pictures of
my latest build.

Heres yet another build of yet another Lancaster
this model will be as WS * J and i've longed to build one like
this as i've got a plate which shows the very Lancaster i'm
modeling from.

The Kit itself is an Airfix Dambusters but ain't going to be a Dambuster as you can see.

The plate !!

First job is to glue together the tail planes and do an overall coat of brown, then mark out
where the green has to go then paint the camo' colour in.

Biggest bug bear is getting the nacelles to fit nicely and with some patience and alot of
trimming they fit nice.

Added a few detail bits to the cockpit to make it look that bit better.l

On the Lancaster i'm modeling the pilots side window has no blister but the airfix has
so to do this i use clear CD cases which has an edge simular to the airfix canopy
and model glue melts this type of plastic, still i bit dusty and still needs a bit more
to fit correctly
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Part two.

Side window now fited to canopy and bomb doors in place.

Canopy is not yet glued onto the canopy but is an all round good fit and the side window looks a corker.

Bomb bay doors are from the Matchbox Lanc' kit and are a very good fit, with no fillering.

Tall boy bomb is also inside the bomb bay and is from the old Frog Lanc' kit.

Paddle blade prop's are from a Matchbox kit and doesn't really fit the Airfix nacelles but i'll make em' fit.

All the undercarriage is cleaned up,painted and a bit of a wash to add realisum.

The stablelizers are cut up and kinked at an angle to make the model a bit more of a ''one off''

Guns have been cut off and replaced by resin guns which look better.

Thanks for looking.
Nice one Ian! Am I right in thinking this is 'Johhny Walker - Still going Strong'? If so, I've got a few pics, mostly of the nose. Hadn't realised she had the bulged bomb doors though - must look properly at pics in future!!
Nice one Ian! Am I right in thinking this is 'Johhny Walker - Still going Strong'? If so, I've got a few pics, mostly of the nose. Hadn't realised she had the bulged bomb doors though - must look properly at pics in future!!

Hi Terry,

No it's not 'Johhny Walker - Still going Strong', But '' J '' for Jane, serial n' NG206, This too has nice nose art with a women on the side with the name Jane just in front, also has WS J on the upper parts of the tail and big J's on the stableliser.

Look at the picture of the plate i put up

Lovely workmanship Ian, the canopy work is great.

Stop it you softie

Well heres how far i've got til' today......

Well i'm still at it ! nothing too hard yet.... yet and everything is going together nicely.

The decals for this kit which took some finding let me tell you.

Canopy is glued on by attaching only the front end, i don't apply any glue to the rear of the canopy i just make sure the front is firmly glued in place and leave it banded up for two days while the glue sets.

Canopy is now glued to the fuselage and gave the fuselage a coating of the normal H29 dark earth colour.

The wings are first given an overall coat of H29 then i've marked out the camo' then painted in the green which is H116 dark green.

Same applies to the other flaps,tailplanes etc.
Just remember how big these pictures are ! The model is only 1/72nd

Tamiya masking tape is a brilliant product in making fairly neat lines.

I've always painted the life raft door in red as the decal which should go heres usually 'silvers'.

Glass parts painted, the effect on the guns is Polished black, which is just painted on dries black then you just rub it with a bit of tissue to give it that effect.

Rear wheel/tyre is matt black H33 The 'Yoke' is painted in H85 satin black, then just muckied up [picture out of focus a bit ]

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