Arado Ar 196A-3 from the Revell kit in 1/32

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Tech Sergeant
Dec 16, 2009
Milan, Italy
Hi everybody,
when I restarted doing models in 2008, I told myself that I will stick to a rule: one model a time.
Six years after I'm currently working on three models and I'm starting a fourth one: the Arado float-plane.

So I have a couple of questions to all friends reading this post.

The first concern cockpit colour: according to Revell instruction it should be RLM 02 but according to other sources, RLM 66 is likely as well, what do you think?

The second question concerns the cockpit itself.

According to instructions and, for instance, to this model

there are no panels covering frame pipes, but instead panels have been added by an other modeller:

In your opinion, which one is correct?

Not really sure on this, as I don't know enough about the type, but as far as I know, a general change was made from RLM02 to RLM66 interior colour in 1941, apart from areas not visible from the outside. For example, the He111 had RLM66 in the cockpit, and on the bomb cells, but the main interior was still RLM02.
The cockpit colour on the Arado might be dependent on production date, and earlier machines might have been re-painted during deep service. I can't help regarding the cockpit fittings.
Can't be sure Al and would have to do a web search, which I'm sure you're doing as well. I checked my "Luftwaffe Colours" book by Ullman and unfortunately there are no cockpit pics for the 196. However there are 2 pics of an Arado 96 with RLM 66 paint.
Many thanks for all comments!
By the way, pictures I posted above aren't concerning my model, I wish to become one day so good in modelling!!! I just took them from the web and posted to better explain my question.
In any case, today I purchased Eduard p.e. set including that panelling, there are several items that I can use and I will keep searching.
Al as far as the paneling on the side unless some kind of plate think it would of not been used for weight reasons alone;just thinking many planes out there just tubes only.
Many thanks javlin for your answer, yours it's a very good point.
No panelling means that I have to add some ribs in the visible cockpit area sides, but that's no problem at all.

One more point.
Among the several possibilities for the final configuration/marking, I'm considering the very intriguing option to make one of those birds boarded on German corsair cruisers. As far as I understood so far, they were sporting French naval roundels, any more info in your knowledge? It would be nice to have a picture.
Here you are a profile shows a such Ar-196. Believing in the caption the Arado belonged to an auxiliary cruiser HSK Komet (HSK7, "Schiff 45") in 1940. I think a such false "dressing up" as a French plane could be possible rather for these planes of auxiliary cruisers than for those main German cruisers.

Also here the HSK Komet with an embarked Ar-196 and Ar-196 with the false uniform.

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Great pictures, many thanks
That's exactly what I was looking for, I think I will do her with these fake French markings.
I apologize with everybody if I keep asking but, as I mentioned speaking about my Dewoitine D.520 model, I will be happy if I have enough item to put on the decal sheet I'm planning to make.
One item I could add is the French roundel to be used on the Arado.
I found three different styles of roundels:
A plain one, as seen in this Berna decal sheet

In the same sheet there are roundels with an anchor and a rope going from left to right.
All the above also have a yellow outline
One other option, as seen in this Italeri sheet, shows the anchor with a rope going from right to left.

Finally, I also found a roundel with the anchor but with no rope.

Does anybody know which one is correct?
Looking at the picture above I would say it was the marking without the rope. Perhaps the same roundel was used on undersides for the particular kite.

Here is another one I found.. the national marking on undersides of this Arodo was the French roundel without of the anchor and rope.

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Again a very good link, Woitec, again many thanks.
Assuming that the French modeller did a good job, I can use those pictures also to calculate the roundel's diameter.


Any of referecnces, I have gone through , didn't mention of these inner panels. So there is no confirmation. However here is a pic od the Ar-196 fuselage where you may notice them in.

Also I found the image of not too good quality but these panes can be seen in there as well.

These panels are offered by Eduard PE no.32681 set ...

Here a couple of shots that can come in handy... the source - the net...

Many thanks,
as I mentioned above, I purchased that Eduard kit already because there are in it some items that I think can are useful to add some more details.
In the mean time, yesterday I added some ribs and stringers, today/tomorrow I will paint them in linen colour and I will look at the contrast between them and RLM 66 painted other items: I think it will be better and historically correct as well.
Picture as soon as possible.

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