Vic Balshaw
Major General
Well, this kit was really rubbing me off the wrong way this morning, broke off the port stabilisator, almost broke off a .50 in one of the starboard gunpods, topturret not wanting to work my way, NOT happy with the engine nacelles, starboard is acceptable, port NOT so much. Getting the nacelle in a way that I won't have to add 1 Kg putty in, the propeller will be in an odd angle upwards, doing the other way, as I said.....1 Kg of putty to fill the gap!
The bin was jumping up and down shouting "give me, give me, give me.....!" Had it not been for Pauls hard work digging out info, it would have been there the bin.
The nicest thing that I can say about this kit, without running the risk of being banned for a week because of the use of extremely foul language, is that it's shows that it's an.....cough....old kit!
Considering all these comments, you've done bloody well cobber. How you feeling now?