B-25J-1 (1/48) #43-27698, 13, "Peggy Lou", 445th BS/321st BG, Group Build...

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Considering all these comments, you've done bloody well cobber. How you feeling now?
Cheers lads! Feel worn Vic old chap....

Now, do some more on those two '51's or start on a '110G-2.......hmmmmm.

Only add the clear stuff on the Beau and these two are getting closer to some paint..
It's not looking too bad old boy, and I'm sure that after a soothing Guinness or six you'll sort that engine cowling. I reckon it's just the age of the moulds, or perhaps that and a slightly warped part. Their B26 Marauder is supposed to be as bad nowadays for fit of the rear engine nacelles, according to most build reviews, but the kit I got was perfect.
Anyway, you can't 'bin it', as I'm part way through doing the decals - by hand! I couldn't get the image from the artwork you and Paul suoplied to hold good resolution when reduced, so I'm hand drawing and colouring the nose art, and some of the lettering. So don't you bl**dy dare pack it in now!!
BTW, nice work so far old chap!

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