B5N2,, KATE 1/33 scale

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This is impressive Boats, I've seen these card model kits in the book form and often wondered how they come out. Keep plodding me old matelot your doing a fine job.
Wing assembly
thank you fellas for your replies the next step is the construction of the wings The wing assembly consist of spars ribs and skins. Starting with the inner wing panels working to the outer wing panels. Before the installation of the inner wing panel the whell well box assembly has to be constructed and installed before the inner wing panel is glued to the rib and spar structures. The whell well will be painted metellic blue after both wings are completed. Here is its update fo9r now, I will have the intire wing assembly completed today and posted here after that down hill slide to the finished product.



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A Hardy thank you Terry and Wurger for your replies been at this pretty much all day lonf. will have the completion of the wing assembly this late evening. closeing up the inner wing panels and wheel wells. Next step is the fillets they were added and it filled the bill 0n the wings. I letted it set dry for two houes came back and done some burnishing here and there to smooth out the joining seams. Useing Polly S water based acyrilic paint i mixed Japanese green to match the printing and it came pretty close but no cigar but i can live with it as dried you couldn,t tell I applied touch up paint. As card model purist its not cotomary to paint paper But paper can use help once in a while you can never tell unless your the builder a lot of card modlers use paint but keep it at the mininum. Here are the update more tonite.



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Here is the last update for the night. muxh more tomorow, As for the wings they are finished After they were installed with no fit issues to fuss with as there are some in other kits but this one fills the bill for me. Useing my airbrush I touched up the wings after they were burnished smooth to remove the sightly seams That I hate. with Japanese navy dark green I feathered in the colors to give the effect of salt air and water emersion as most were when you are at sea the salt air fades the blues and greens down quick that is the number one reason when the U.S. NAVY done away with 5s seablue on their fleet. went to measure 32d. As for now letting the model dry over night. Tommorow I will turn two on the undercarriage and paint the wheel wells and so on I should have done by this Friday.



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Very cool! What kind of paint can you use on it, acrylic or enamal?

Ahoy vikingBerserker
Thank you for your wonderful reply, As for the paints I used Polly S acrylic paints after I touched up all the paint work I airbrushed on the sealer useing Areo gloss clear dope mixed 50 50 half nitrate and the other butrate. Dont want use full strength butrated or it will warp the model slowly turning it in to a prezzel. I used the stuff for years on card and wooden moden models. When cured the modelk is shiney and strong.


Nice progress to the model, Boats.

Thanks wurger and Terry for your always wondeful replies she is starting to look like a KATE. I hope your fellas and everyone here had a wonderful thanksgiving not certain in the UK and other countries cellebrate the thanksgiving hilliday. But just in case I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Now its time to get the Kate finished up I should have her done tommorow i lost a day of work on the model due to the holliday but I am on it now later this evening I should have more pictures. Thanks fellas .

Going on the down hill slide for the KATE I will have her done tommorow Afternoon. All is left is the torpedo canopy and misc, Parts and she is good to go also a little touch up here and there as for the update for today is the landing gear and tyres The landing gear struts are rolled paper in to tubeing the tryes are made from light cardboard disc. I chucked the cardboard disc up on my drill gun instead of useing my lathe I turned them as you can see in the photos. I added the wheel well braces inside the wheel wells. When dry I made a batch of interier green by mixing dark green and silver alot of the fellas having problems makeing Japanese interier colorts use blue and silver and green and silver these are the interier colors on Japanese aircraft. tommorow if the good lord is willing and the ponds dont rise and great weather with a sunny day to boot i,ll take outside pictures of the KATE.



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Looking good Boats. Are the landing gear legs card also?!!

Ahoy Terry
Yes sir they are the landing gear struts are rolled into tubeing from paper, the wheels are made from cardvcoard turned on my hand drill instead of useing my lathe. the landing gear assembly still needs touching up I am onit now I am working on the torpedo I should have this done tomoorow. thanks for your reply Terry I got to check out your Harvard.


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