Bellagambi's Bird Hase 1/32

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Thks there Fellas I might get some more time about Tuesday or Wednesday with her alot of work here lately.Cheers kevin
Well I got some pics,kind off tough to see but the cable to the canopy w/spring and antenna cable inside of canopy.Still some more doo-dads to add guns,pitot tube and the antenna cable itself.The flash off the armor plate up front is kind of wild.


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Thks Terry,I had some silvering on the wing ANR's was hoping the last coat of clear would fix it but not so.Does silvering occur from not getting a good enough match on the gloss coat??Anyway got some more pics only dusting left for Danny Boy .This is the first time I have airbrushed the exhaust stain and it looks better than my dusting method.I used a 1/2 clear gloss with 1/2 of paint(rubber black) for the stain.


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This is what I was replicating......


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Thank You! there guys for the words of encouragement.Albert the most I think I might do from here is paint chipping,wheel hubs and general dusting up top.I feel this was one of my better attempts at painting just those damn ANR's silvering some,other than that I really like her.Cheers Kevin
Yes, I think you just need to add a little dusting on decals as well and smoke nearby the machine guns.
Something like this:

My weork is far from perfect but could be an indication.
The first flat coat usually provides the tell tale signs of silvering that you may not pick up.

Normally when this occurs for me a pin or sharp pointed hobby knife is used to prick a spot where the silvering occurs...followed by a very thin brush applying a tiny dab of setting solution to get in under the decal, repeat the procedure until you get rid of the silvering....NOTE it's usually a good idea to remove the setting solution quickly once the capillary action occurs as it can and does affect the flat coat. Bear in mind another coat of flat will solve this issue after you have fixed the silvering.

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