Brooks' Photos

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Great shots Aaron, I love pictures of old barns and farm houses. Must have tons of them in Virginia. Keep them coming, they take me to times forgotten. 8)
I had a good time going through this thread.
There are several interesting shots. :thumbright:
I hope to see the civil war battlefield shots in the near future.


Wheelsup, I found out this week that there are two reenactments coming up, one for the battle of Wise in July and the battle of Saltville in August so hang in there and I will do my best to get out there for at least a day to each one.:D
A few from the local car show Saturday night and the last two are proof that they will build a barn anywhere around here, WOW!!!:shock:
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Hi Aaron
I've not been around for a while so it has been a bit of a blessing in disguise looking though your shots from the first to last post luv em all. I can see the progress you have made not only that but I can see how much you are enjoying image taking which to me is the most important thing .
I really enjoyed looking through your pictures thanks for letting us see them and more power to your shutter:thumbleft:
Thank you Trackend for the compliments. The guys here have helped me A LOT!! I do have a lot of fun with it. I'm glad you enjoyed them.:)
Good work with the cars, Aaron. I like the low angle shots. :thumbleft: I guess building a barn on the rock is easier than moving it. ;)

The sad part is that there is about 100 acres that's clear of rocks, trees, and mountains and they had to build it there.:rolleyes: Go figure:confused: Thank you Gnomey. I'm learning to fine tune my camera settings and getting better results.:thumbright:
You got some really cool shots there, I like the paint job especially...looks real nice! Ya' guys wanna do my BMW 320i next? :lol:

But that's a sweet shot, I really like it! :thumbleft:

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