Plastic Pirate
Well now.......... 97 days till I'm 77, I guess by virus statistics that's about long enough.
I better tap in to that $200 bottle of Bundaburg rum while I can.
I've been reading why this one is so bad because it's an animal virus that has mutated to human to human transfer. The human body cannot recognize the virus and we have no immunity built up to fight it. There are no drugs that have been developed to fight it, as of yet. Isolation is the only fight against it we have at the moment.
BTW, here in Oz, and it is a fact, Asians are going from small town to small town in busses buying up all the commodities they can carry back to the bus then shipping back to their own home countries. Gov't is now posting police in stores. Self check outs and cashiers have put limits of most items that can be bought. Still people go from store to store and buy their limits. Herd mentality!
I better tap in to that $200 bottle of Bundaburg rum while I can.
I've been reading why this one is so bad because it's an animal virus that has mutated to human to human transfer. The human body cannot recognize the virus and we have no immunity built up to fight it. There are no drugs that have been developed to fight it, as of yet. Isolation is the only fight against it we have at the moment.
BTW, here in Oz, and it is a fact, Asians are going from small town to small town in busses buying up all the commodities they can carry back to the bus then shipping back to their own home countries. Gov't is now posting police in stores. Self check outs and cashiers have put limits of most items that can be bought. Still people go from store to store and buy their limits. Herd mentality!