**** DONE: 1/32 Junkers Ju.87c Stuka - Carrier aircraft GB (1 Viewer)

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Not sure if these are relevant to your build Paul.

And a little clearer front view. Enjoy. EDIT Forgot to mention the above photo is the crank mechanism for the wing fold.

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Very interesting, never knew (not surprisingly) that the Stukas had folding wings.
Paul, as I recall from my long ago balsa building days, the balsa kits were made to what was called "stand-off scale" which I was told meant that from a distance they looked correctly proportioned but were not eactly to scale with the real aircraft.
Thanks Geo, those are great shots, I have never seen those before!
Mike, only this "C" model had the folding wings, it was intended to be aboard the carrier Graf Zeppelin.
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Paul, guess I did see that in your post. I have a model of an Me 262 Marine. Could find no history of it, my first post on this site as a matter of fact. Fortunately with all the talent here it was IDed as a prototype carrier based fighter destined for the Graf as well. Looking good by the way. Are you going to try to make a folding wing version?

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